
Passive Income streams


Multifamily Apartment


 Delphine Nguyen

What do the rich know about investing in real estate that the rest of us don't? Is creating passive cash flow from multifamily apartment investing possible for me? How?

We will share with you everything we know about real estate investing, especially apartment or multifamily syndication: How it works, what we invest in, where we invest, how we vet the sponsors, how we protect ourselves, what our returns on investment look like, etc.

Whether you are a new or an experienced investor, we can always learn from each other and invest in each other to build wealth together.

What is multifamily syndication?

An apartment syndication is the pooling of capital from multiple investors that will be used to buy an apartment building and execute the project’s business plan, which is mainly to make money on the investment. 

The pooling of capital enables acquiring larger projects than an individual or small group could do on her/their own.  At the same time, investing with a pool spreads out the risks, which are always there with any investment.

The structure of a typical syndication is simple.  It consists of the General Partners or Sponsors (Syndicators) and the Limited Partners or Passive Investors.

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Let's discuss your investment opportunities.

Is passive multifamily Apartment Investing right for you? 

There are two types of multifamily apartment investing that you can choose from.

The first is owning shares in a company that owns commercial real estate. You do not specifically own any piece of property from the company's portfolio. REITs or Real Estate Investment Trust is an example of this.

The second type is owning portions of the commercial real estate through a syndication.  In this model, you also have the opportunity to vet the deal then decide if it's right for you to invest in.

As for us, the experience with the second type is great! Let's take this quiz to find out the difference and see which one is right for you.

"Real estate investing, even on a very small scale, remains a tried and true means of building an individual's cash flow and wealth."

Robert Kiyosaki

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" author and American Real Estate Investor

Our whys....

Buying and renting single family homes was our first real estate investment model. We bought, renovated, rented out, refinanced the property — then we repeated the cycle. It worked well for us, but managing multiple properties in different locations proved to be a challenge and eventually proved too tiring. Do you agree with me that we need to have time to do the things we love, such as traveling, golfing, painting, cooking, etc.? The more single family properties we purchased, the busier we became. Our "young ladies" need more food, more "taxi services", and more quality time with Mom and Dad. With these needs in mind, we decided to find a better way while still staying in real estate.

Henry and I realized that in order to get us moving faster towards our goal of financial freedom we should look towards multifamily apartment investing. We can scale, reduce the risk, increase our cash flow and appreciation value, and still have time to dedicate to ourselves and our children.

Luckily, our girls, now in high school, are also interested in real estate investing.  We learn, share, and solve problems together. The conversations we have about building our passive income streams never feel like work but have become a part of our family culture. Our daughters are a part of our “why”s and our biggest supporters.

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Most famous places

“You’ve learned the lessons well. You first learned to live on less than you earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who are competent. Lastly, you’ve learned to make gold work for you.''

George S. Clason - The Richest Man in Babylon

How does passively investing in multifamily syndication work?

Once the syndication uses the pooled money received from passive investors and possibly their own money (called "skin in the game") to acquire the multifamily apartment building, the General Partners start to do the work and the passive investor/limited partners receive their monthly cash flow checks shortly thereafter. After 5-7-years once the property has appreciated in value, both groups receive the final check from the property sale. 

passively investing in multifamily syndication
Downsize of passively investing in Multifamily Syndication

Downsides of passively investing in Multifamily Syndication

  • Lack of Liquidity: A typical takes about 5-7 years to fully mature
  • Truly Passive: As a Limited Partner, you have no say in the direction of the investment. All operational and investment decisions are handled by the General Partner. Some people see this as a positive.
  • More Fees: There are more fees than a typical REIT or equity investment.  Although these are all reasonable, it still requires the investor to fully understand.
  • Patience is Required: Syndication deals are out there but it takes months to find and analyze before the right one could be found.  For investors looking to invest once per week or month, this may not be the right vehicle.

who can help me start?

If you are ready and looking for (1) someone to help you to invest in multifamily syndication as a passive investor, (2) someone who has skin in the game, (3) who vets the sponsors, and (4) analyzes the deals - Then we are the team you are looking for!

Delphine Nguyen

Co-Founder Che Capital LLC/Investor

Delphine has helped families to invest in real estate to create their passive income streams in the US and internationally. She is passionate about creating an impact on other people both with wealth building in the meantime improving the quality of life of the community where they invest in. She is the one putting the puzzles together for each project and creating the website to share with the world both her and her husband's experience in real estate investing.

Henry Che

Co-Founder Che Capital LLC/Investor

Henry and Delphine founded Che Capital LLC to help other investors and themselves grow their cash flow produced real estate portfolio. Henry enjoys leading his own team of IT consultants for the Pharma industry. His vision and leadership skills bring value for the investors. Henry is amazing at sharing and communicating the plan and the process to his investors at their level.

John Casmon


John is an Advisor for Che Capital LLC aiding with acquisitions, due diligence, and management. John is an investor and also hosts the Target Market Insights podcast and is the co-founder of the Midwest Real Estate Networking Summit.

The target markets are: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Raleigh, Charlotte, Tampa, Orlando and of course the Midwest where we are living Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis.

Market Maps

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When can I invest?

Only when you are ready and armed with the knowledge about the pros and cons of investing in syndications.  Use our resources on this website and come back often for our blogs and ever-growing list of resources to get educated.   The industry and market are ever-changing and we are here to keep you updated.  Sign up to Join our investor clubs to stay informed.

When can I invest delphine
How much can I invest

How much can I invest?

Deals generally range fro $5 to $20M in value.  This is the sweet spot between mom-and-pop investors and the large investment institutions. Our focus is on cash flow, equity and forced appreciation. You can join us as an equity investor or debt investor. 

Investment opportunities range from $25K - $100K. It depends on each project that we indicate the maximum amount that you can invest in our deals.

We would highly recommend you to seek your CPA's advice on what funds are the best option to invest in a multifamily syndication: cash, 401k, Solo 401k so you maximize your potential earning and tax benefits.

What does The Return On Investment look like?

Let's look at an example of the return on investments of a person who invests passively in a Multifamily Syndication. You will be able to see the monthly cash flow as well as what this passive investor can acquire at the execution of the property sale.

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